ROMANS 1:16 - FOR I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL FOR IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION TO EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES, TO THE JEW FIRST, AND ALSO TO THE GREEK. Somewhere along the way, the church has replaced the gospel with using someone's testimony in bringing people to salvation. I remember as a teenager going to youth camp at Shocco Springs in Talladega and the week was filled with some Bible preaching and special music groups to come in and do a night or two of concerts. But the biggest draw was seeing which "celebrity" Christian they could bring in to give their testimony. One year they brought in Paul Orndorff, aka, "Mr. Wonderful" from the WWF. He had been born again and so the camp organizers thought it would be cool to bring him in to give his testimony. Every year it seemed like they had to one-up their game and try to get someone more famous to come in. As I've gotten older, it seems mainstream Christianity relies too heavily on "celebri...