My husband and I were reading in 1 Peter chapters 2 and 3, and verse 8 of chapter 2 jumped out at me.  Here are verses 7=8:

7 So, the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, "the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." 8 and, "A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense."  They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.

     The word "destined" here is the Greek word "tithemi" (pronounced "tith'-ay-mee").  You will find this Greek word in the Strongs Concordance under Strongs number G5087.  The KJV uses the word "appointed".  The definition of "tithemi" is "to set forth; to establish, ordain".  Just as God has ordained, appointed, predestined some to salvation (vessels of mercy, Romans 9:23), there are those whom He ordained, appointed, predestined to remain in their sin (vessels of wrath, Romans 9:22). 

     This isn't saying that God ordains people to sin.  It's just saying there are those whom He has appointed to stay in their sin.  Every one of us are born in sin.  We're all on the same road to destruction.  But, as Romans 9 says, there are vessels of wrath "prepared for destruction", just as there are vessels of mercy which God has "prepared beforehand for glory".

  Doing word studies are helpful in getting the proper understanding of what Scripture says.  It's like a "lightbulb" moment when you go, "OH!!  I get it now!!"  I encourage anyone reading this, if you don't already, take advantage of the Bible study tools available on the internet to help you understand the Word of God better.  Here is a short list of websites I use when I do a word study:


     Most of these have commentaries, dictionaries, and concordances you can use to get the proper meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words used in the Bible.


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