20 If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations— 21 “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch” 22 (referring to things that all perish as they are used)—according to human precepts and teachings? 23 These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.
ASCETICISM - the practice of strict self-denial as a means of attaining a higher spiritual plane. It comes from the Greek word "askesis", which mean exercise, training, practice.
This spiritual practice is prevalent among Hindus, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, and Buddhism. Some mislabel asceticism as "monasticism", but they're two different things. While monks do practice asceticism, those who practice asceticism do not have to be monks.
Asceticism is a form of self-deprecation that involves fasting, exposing oneself to heat or cold, sleep deprivation, flagellation (hitting oneself with a whip), and/or self-mutilation.
Legalism tends to incorporate asceticism. There are many cults that pass themselves off as "Christian", yet they give their members a list of "do's and don'ts" that aren't even mentioned in the Bible. For instance, they're not allowed to eat or drink certain things. Or, they have to dress in a certain manner. I tend to cringe at the "dress codes" for women some cults and denominations come up with because the Bible only says that women should dress MODESTLY. Well, I can be just as modest with a T-shirt and blue jeans as I am with a skirt that covers my ankles and a blouse that buttons up to the neck.
In the verses above, Paul is reminding the Christians at Colossae that they are free from the legalistic rules of the Pharisees because those were created by men and not put forth by God, such as, you can only walk a certain number of miles on the Sabbath Day, otherwise, you're sinning. Or remember when Christ healed the man on the Sabbath and the religious leaders lost it because they said He was violating the Sabbath rules?
Paul is encouraging the Colossian church to not fall into asceticism and legalism because salvation isn't attained through what we do, but through what Jesus DID on the cross. See, adhering to a list of "do's and don'ts" are just outward actions that have nothing to do with the core of the problem we have as humans. Our problem is that even our good deeds aren't good enough. The problem lies with the heart. Our heart is wicked above all things as it says in Jeremiah 17:9, and we are in need of a new heart to replace the old, dead heart. Once we receive the new heart, we are made alive, and our old self is now dead to sin.
No amount of obeying man-made do's and don'ts will save us or make us right with God. Attempting these things is only a show of pride and a way for us to boast in our "good" works and not in Christ.
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