Walking an aisle and saying a prayer, these things aren't what saves people. You have now turned this into salvation by works ("do this and you'll be saved") instead of salvation by grace alone.
Salvation occurs when God gives us a new heart and that new heart now desires God and hates sin. In John 6:65 Jesus says, "no one can come to me UNLESS IT IS GRANTED HIM BY THE FATHER." (all caps for emphasis).
We can't just assume when someone has prayed some rote prayer asking for salvation that it's automatically done. This is where discipleship comes in. Instead of rushing people through the baptistry, put them through a discipleship class. The last thing churches these days need are pews full of false converts just because the pastor wants to add names to the church membership roll.
A spiritually strong church isn't necessarily one with the largest group of people warming the pews. A spiritually strong church can be a small church whose members are devoted to God's Word, fervent prayer, and discipleship. I can guarantee you a small biblically solid church in the jungles of Papua, New Guinea, can make a greater impact for the kingdom than Joel Osteen's "church". I'm not saying church membership isn't important. The Bible commands us to be joined to a local church body. But I believe the pursuit of making disciples has turned into a pursuit of making bigger churches by any means necessary while ignoring the believers already in the church. Disciple those you have, and you'll develop "disciplers" in the process. Jesus will grow His church. We just have to be available to lead people to Him and that will only happen when we are discipled ourselves.
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