All things are in God's hands. God has decreed the end from the beginning. It is God who raises up and brings down kings and authorities (Daniel 2:21 and Psalm 75:7). But that doesn't negate our responsibility to go out and vote.Whatever happens with this election, we must rest in the knowledge that God knows what He's doing, whoever is put in office.
We as Christians must pray for His will to be done and know that He's still in control.
But we also have to understand that as far down in the toilet that our society is in, God has every right to bring us into judgment and I believe we ARE under His judgment now and if the Democratic party retains the office of President, you can be sure we'll be under worse judgment.
The Church has failed to be the salt of the earth. We've become complacent and apathetic. I remember at youth camp during high school, one of the speakers said we as a nation suffer from two diseases: Ignorance and apathy....I don't know, and I don't care.
If you want to put the blame somewhere for where our country is right now, look no further than American Christianity. We have compromised the gospel and become tolerant of that which God has said is SIN. We've decided it's more important to be liked and to please man rather than please God. Some churches have become cesspools of debauchery with the drag queens and LGBTQ + affirming practices.
The Church is in need of repentance and until we repent, God will not and cannot answer our prayers. We can pray all we want, but if we haven't repented of our complacency, our apathy, and compromise, those prayers don't go any higher than the ceiling.
We've been blessed to live in this great country, but I'm afraid our days of our God-given freedoms are coming to an end.
I hope and pray I'm wrong.
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